The week in social: Periscope 360, Facebook Workplace, and Instagram desktop

YouTube removes ads for small channels
In an effort to drive more users to smaller, growing channels, YouTube is removing ads from all channels that have less than 10,000 total views. YouTube says that the new threshold in views enables them to test a page’s legitimacy. A problem that occurred in the past was lookalike channels being created that mirrored original content creators and sought to make revenue by re-uploading video copies. Any revenue earned from advertising on channels that had less than 10k total views previous to the announcement by YouTube will not be redacted.
More information on YouTube Creator Blog.
Periscope now offers 360 broadcasting to all mobile users
A feature previously in testing that this week became available to all users, Periscope now allows full 360 live broadcasting to all users on mobile. The company has positioned this in a blog post and the ability to provide the most immersive viewing experience possible for viewers. When a 360 live video is happening from a broadcaster, the video will have the badge ‘Live 360’ to alert viewers of the content type. Viewers will be able to look anywhere during the broadcast and the feature is available on all versions of Periscope on iOS and on the Periscope Producer version on Android.
More information on Periscope Help Page.
Twitter introduces low-bandwidth Lite version
As a way for users to experience all Twitter has to offer without consuming a high amount of data, the Twitter has introduced Twitter Lite. According to data from an official blog post citing GSMA, with 3.8 billion mobile devices active at the end of 2016, 45% still have a 2G connections. Twitter Lite takes up less than 1 megabyte on a device, and is made to work efficiently on slower devices. The only requirements are a mobile device with a browser.

Read more on Twitter Blog.
Facebook is testing a free version of its work chat solution
Positioned as a competitor to Slack, Facebook is planning to launch a free version of its Workplace, a Facebook-like social networking tool for work collaboration. The free version is not presently widely available, but it will be called Workplace Standard, and the current, paid version will be referred to as Workplace Premium moving forward. Facebook is hoping that with a stripped down free version, they will be able to have more companies connect on the service.

Read more on CNBC News.
YouTube launches its TV service
After an announcement earlier this year, YouTube is finally launching its TV streaming service in major markets in the United States. The service will feature over 40 prime television networks, and be available in major cities such as New York and Los Angeles, featuring unlimited cloud DVR capabilities. The service will cost $35 per month, and it is able to be canceled at any time. Lastly the service also comes with the abilities to watch all YouTube Red TV series and movies, a feature previously offered with a separate paid subscription.
More information on YouTube Blog.
Pinterest integrates shortcuts into its Android app
Pinterest is using its Android app to enable users to get to the features they care about most more easily. Users can still tap the app on their home screen to open up the Pinterest app to its homepage, but now if they long press it, a number of functions will appear as shortcuts. The shortcuts include Lens, Explore, Saved, and Search. Furthermore, users can drag individual shortcuts into their own icons on the home screen if it is a feature they know they will use continually. App icon shortcuts are currently only available on Android but will soon become available on iOS according to the company’s blog post.
More information on Pinterest Blog.
Instagram now allows for direct messages on desktop
A feature requested from users since the introduction of direct messages, Instagram now allows photo and video direct messages to be sent from desktop. The feature is available presently through the Windows 10 Instagram app. Public posts are still now allowed on the desktop app, likely to preserve the mobile-only nature of content that appears on the feed.

Read more on The Next Web.
Facebook introduces a Canvas Creation API
Facebook is now allowing businesses the opportunity to create canvas ads through the Facebook API. What this will allow is developers to build new ways to create Canvas ads, such as developing templates, or offering additional insights. Facebook’s hope is that enriching the Canvas ad creation and use experience will get move advertisers to try the ad type. The official blog post goes on to show off examples of features created with the API by partners of Facebook.

Read more on Facebook Marketing Partners.
WhatsApp will potentially offer payments in India
A popular service across major messaging services already, WhatsApp, the Facebook-owned messaging service is planning to offer payments as part of an update to the service in India. WhatsApp already has 200 million users in the country, and peer-to-peer payments are said to be coming within the next six months. The feature would require WhatsApp to have arrangements with several major banks throughout the country, and adhere to the regulation of United Payments, Interface.
More information on The Next Web.