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The week in social: Super Likes, NFL sentiment, and streaming celebs

Love at first swipe: The Super Like

In Tinder’s flooded market of right-swipes, it’s become nigh impossible to separate those seeking a real meet-up from others using the app as a time-sink. The company has responded by announcing a rollout of premium features, starting with the Super Like. Now testing in Australia, users can send their own profile to others in a gesture that says “I choo-choo-choose you”. The feature can be used only once per day, unless you want to upgrade to a premium account.

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Takeaways from AMAs

The power of Reddit’s AMA is undeniable. But, the most successful AMAs are far deeper than simply bringing a celebrity to the people. A recent study by Udemy highlights the elements of success in the top 50 AMAs from May and June, and takes a good look at what marketers can learn from those successes to drive short and long term gains for their brands.

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More time in Apps, less watching TV

Media & Entertainment companies continue to aggressively enable consumers to push away from traditional cable providers. While companies like Netflix, Hulu and HBO are pulling viewers onto the Internet, audiences are also increasing the time they spend in mobile applications. Flurry reports that consumers now spend an average of 198 minutes a day in apps, versus only 168 minutes watching television.

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Facebook Messenger now 2nd most popular app in the U.S.

80 percent of social media users also use instant messaging apps. Since Facebook spun-off Messenger into an independent app, the social giant has rewarded users by adding new app-only features such as VoIP and mobile payments. The result has placed Messenger at the second most popular app, beaten only by Facebook itself.

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For SMBs, Facebook enabling Actions over Likes

Facebook is home for more than 45 million small business pages. This week, the company upgraded the Pages applications that enables companies to build more effective digital storefronts. Viewers will be able to more easily scroll through lists of services, contact companies via text or phone, and buy goods without ever leaving the social page. The move indicates Facebook’s desire to prove value by converting viewers directly, rather than driving clicks to other websites.

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Instagram Ads are ready to go

Following months of limited testing and invite-only opportunities, Instagram will be opening their ad marketplace globally by the end of September. More than 30 countries will be able to engage in Instagram’s ad marketplace, and businesses of all sizes will have access to the platform’s 300 million users. Other features that Instagram will add include stronger calls to action (e.g. Install Now, Sign Up, Shop Now), and an ad-only 30-second video format.

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Verified accounts get Mentions + Streaming

Facebook launched Mentions more than a year ago. The app served as a dedicated method of providing posts and conversations from Verified Pages directly to their subscribed followers. With the advent of Facebook “Live”, Mentions will now have the ability to stream video. The feature opens huge potential for journalists, celebrities and other public figures seeking to broadcast content specifically to their Facebook followers.

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NFL Franchise fanaticism from Facebook

Who has the most hopeful fans for the season? Whose followers think the season is going to be a bust? Facebook conducted an analysis of NFL team fan sentiment during the pre-season to see which teams have the most optimistic audience. Short answer: The Kansas City Chiefs top the list for positive sentiment, while the San Diego Chargers are the team everyone loves to hate.

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Livestreaming celebs begin to emerge

With each new platform will come new influencers. Periscope, Meerkat, Mentions and a host of other livestreaming platforms have brought a new brand of media celebrity to the surface. Those willing to do it live have already begun make their mark. Touching verticals ranging from science, to sightseeing, to topless baking; and boasting reach as high as 410,000 for a single user, a new breed of social celeb has arrived.

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