What you need to know about the future of Facebook

Whenever Facebook hosts F8, its annual developer conference, you can expect big things. This year was no exception.

Among substantial moves last year, such as the acquisition of Virtual Reality company Oculus or ad tech company LiveRail, it was only a matter of time before the new Facebook ecosystem was unveiled, stronger and more integrated than ever. Integration, of course, being the key word here, as Facebook is clearly aiming to be the ultimate one-stop-shop for digital media services.
It comes then as no surprise that we saw the integration of LiveRail into Facebook’s ad platform, or the introduction of spherical videos within the News Feed experience, bringing VR closer to our browsers than ever.
We even saw – much to general surprise and personal admiration – Facebook’s ambition to turn Messenger into a platform in itself, on top of which developers can build, and businesses establish their commerce and customer support operations.
Frank, our MD, summarised the most important takeaways in a recent piece on CMO.com. If you’re craving for a comprehensive overview of what Facebook is up to and what that means for marketers, we definitely recommend you give it a read.